Sunday, May 4, 2014

Act 1 Scene 4-5

Act 1 Scene 4-5

Prompt A: In these scenes, it begins with a discussion between the Capulets. The family intends on sneaking into the ball the Montagues are holding, since it is a masquerade and no one will see their faces. Romeo refuses to partake in the dances they preform at the ball, and his family members dance without him. Meanwhile, he meets Juliet. They instantly fall in love. In Romeo's mind, Rosaline is just a memory now. He is in love with Juliet. Tybalt recognizes the Capulets beneath the masks and almost stirs up another fight. Everything is calmed down, but the Capulets, including Romeo, must leave. When Romeo and Juliet find out each others' identities, they realize they are from different sides. Romeo is a Capulet and Juliet is a Montague. Nevertheless, they part ways still wanting more to see of eachother and still madly in love with one another.

Prompt F: The relationship between Romeo and Juliet, although fresh and new, is already complicated. Right when Romeo spots Juliet dancing, he tells a servant he has never seen true beauty till this night. They meet and fall in love. They kiss and Juliet tells Romeo he 'kisses by the book'. When they find out who each other is, things between them will become complicated. However, their love will go even stronger. The rivalry between their families does not restrain their love for each other.

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