Act 1 scenes 4-5: Love Struck
Prompt B
What is happening in Romeo and Juliet reminds me of Pakistan and India. They both hate each other and often try to fight. However many people from both sides will meet and reconcile. Both sides trade with each other, and expats from each country will often group together. In downtown mountain view their is a Indian and Pakistani restaurant.
Prompt F
Did the Montague's also have parties in which Capulets would sneak in?
Was Juilet known for being beautiful?
When the play was acted did any of the actors eat food in front of the audience during the party?
What did the nurse mean when she said "No less? Nay, bigger. Women grow by men."(pg 41 in book)
Why does Capulet let Romeo stay after Tybalt tells him that he is a Montague?
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