Act IV scene I-III
Prompt E:
This potion plays a very big role in the novel. The friar gives Juliet this potion so she can go into a sleep and everyone will think she's dead. She's doing this because otherwise she would have to marry Paris and she's already married to Romeo her true love. She cannot bear to tel her parents that she is in live with Romeo because this will break their hearts. She sees this option as her only answer.
Prompt F:
I think that the friar and Juliet have a very close bond as well as Romeo and the friar. The friar seems like he's the confidant of the village and acts as a go between. He just wants peace and for everyone to be happy while everyone else is fighting. He married the couple as a hopeful act of peace and he helped Romeo see Juliet when he was banned. The friar also arranged the fake death of Juliet as a way for the couple to be able to run away together.
I agree with what you said about the friar, however I think that Juliets bond with the friar is not as strong as Romeo. We only saw Juliet with the friar after Romeo told her about him. This shows that the friar may have been leaning Montague.